Stories from the Field
Explore the videos below for stories from the field as told by Episcopal Relief & Development staff. These stories are grouped into three sections: Women, Children and Climate, US Disaster Response and COVID-19 Response. You will notice that many of these stories overlap in priority areas, as these priorities must all be addressed for lasting change.
Many of these stories were told during a staff Zoom meeting dedicated to story sharing. The staff agreed to share these stories with Ministry Partners. Find the stories that resonate with you and share them with your congregations and dioceses in your own words.
Women, Children and Climate
Partnership with Holy Land Institute for the Deaf
Nagulan Nesiah, Senior Program Officer, Disaster Response and Risk Reduction
The Use of FAMA (Facts, Association, Meaning, Action) Cards in Kenya
Priscilla Amuah, Senior Program Officer, Ghana
Integrated Community Program in Burundi
Vanessa Pizer, Senior Program Officer
Savings with Education Group in Guatemala
Daniel Grupper, Program Coordinator
16 Days of Activism in Liberia
Vesta Oduro-Kwarteng, Program Associate, Ghana
Moments That Matter in Northern Ghana
Hilary Abii Asiah, Program Officer, Ghana
us disaster response
US Disaster Program Responds to Tornados in
the Diocese of Atlanta
Courtney Moore, Program Coordinator
Covid-19 Response
COVID-19 and Women's Programs in Burundi
Vanessa Pizer, Senior Program Officer
COVID-19 and Indigenous Communities in Colombia
Daniel Grupper, Program Coordinator
Responding to COVID-19 in Malawi
Kaylie Cordingley, Program Officer